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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 17 January 2006
Bonus Blogging!
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: The Dehumidifier - Still ain't got a name
Topic: Stephen Says
Alright so today was a massive walk-a-thon:

To the town center & back (20mins) where I got groceries and bought The Corporation by Joel Bakan based on his movie that I mentioned below. E will give periodic reviews (Won't you, Elisabeth?) as she goes through it. A taster: The introduction alone almost made her cry. Hey, does anyone out there think we should start up a book club???
(I'm being serious)

To work (& Back): 40 mins.

From work I'm sent up to town to go to the bank to withdraw cash & then Sainsburys for milk & 4 cans of furniture polish. I'm reminded by my manager that I am nothing but his errand boy. (20mins)
(PS - this is all walking time & not counting shopping time)

From work I go and do outreach - walk to the dude's flat & then to the pub for a drink (30mins)
(We went to the pub & not the football match, FYI.)

Sooooooo, today I spent a total of an hour and fifty minutes walking around Woking.
I'll let you, dear reader, interpret all of that.

Oh, and how freakin' cool is this: Alan Moore interviewed Michael Moorcock this week as a live theatre piece that was open to the public.
But of course, I didn't see it.
But still, very, very cool.
I would vote for it.

And in conclusion, E wouldn't blog today because she didn't want to bump my entry down a notch. What do y'all think of restrictive blogging like that? C'mon, put her in her place!

Oh, and what about that book club?
I'm serious, you know.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:52 PM GMT
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Friday, 20 January 2006 - 5:21 AM GMT

Name: jc

I'll join a book club so long as we can read the shit I have to read for school. Otherwise no dice.

My first assignment to you: Emile Durkheim's ELEMENTARY FORMS OF RELIGIOUS LIFE. It must be done by Tuesday. Aaaaand GO.

Friday, 20 January 2006 - 7:34 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

Um, no.

Friday, 20 January 2006 - 12:13 PM GMT

Name: jc



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