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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 26 January 2006
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Steel Pole Bathtub
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Due to the overwhemling response on the book club idea, we will henceforth start new rules:

1. Never mention books on this site again.
2. Please leave no comments to let us know how you feel.
3. Remember that Elisabeth gets passive agressive when her ideas don't bear fruit.

But really, we're going out drinking tonight on invitation from some of Stephen's playmates.

And also, I've been confirmed in post & will be granted a permanent contract with health benefits, stock least I think so...should I dare ask for a pay rise as well? Double or nothing?

Barcelona soon...getting excited...must drink now.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:44 PM GMT
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Thursday, 26 January 2006 - 8:43 PM GMT

Name: Sean

Sorry for the lack of comments but I am at a conference in Barbados now.

I dont think I would be participating in the book club anyways. Mr. Frey and Oprah has ruined it fow me, sniff.... Just kidding, but I dont read that many books, but can I submit journal articles? My first article was accepted.

I think negotiating for a higher salary up front is better. Yearly raises are usually low, so try to skip a few years by asking for more to start with, the worst they can say is no.


Friday, 27 January 2006 - 3:51 PM GMT

Name: jc

HEY I SAID that i would be in the book club but no one liked my book recommendations!

Friday, 27 January 2006 - 5:15 PM GMT

Name: Greg

Sorry for not responding INSTANTLY, I was thinking.

I know that your feelings are all bruised up, but might I suggest:

A Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night-Time by Mark ....(can't remember his last name)

It's a fairly quick read, but a very interesting novel.

Friday, 27 January 2006 - 5:18 PM GMT

Name: GP

Mark Hadden

Sunday, 29 January 2006 - 7:44 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

Can we all read the corrections again, then?

Monday, 30 January 2006 - 7:08 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

I'm with ya on the book club: down with book club!

Thanks for your advice. So long as I actually have an oportunity to negotiate, I'll keep your words in mind.

Monday, 30 January 2006 - 7:09 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

Down with Book Club!

Monday, 30 January 2006 - 7:10 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

Down with book club!

Monday, 30 January 2006 - 7:11 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

You know that around here things happen pretty fast...blink and it's gone! YOu should be sorry!

Even thought it's DOWN WITH BOOK CLUB! I'll give the Mark Haden book a try...never liked the title, but maybe you can't judge a book by its cover.

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