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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 30 January 2006
Bingo Was His Name-o
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Julian Cope (Dark Orgasm)
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Right. What's been going on? On Thurs. night we got trashed with Stephen's co-workers, which involved 3 bars, some dancing with pre-teens, opening the curry house after it closed & paying 20 quid for some leftovers & papadoms, then being pushed around the street in a trolley, eating curry and walking shamefacedly home by 3am.

Luckily the canteen at my job serves a fry-up breakfast every Fri. morning...I definately took advantage of that.

Stephen had the luxury of having an afternoon shift the next day, but the bad luck of having to sleep-in at work, only to wake up the next morning to meet me at the train station (I was only 2 minutes late!) to go down to Dorset to celebrate his grandmother's 92nd birthday. We had a very pleasant day, albiet after we had some breakfast upon our arrival, and then had to scoot out quickly in the evening to catch the last reasonable train home.

Maybe I should learn to drive soon?

Ok so Sunday...Stephen went to work, and I practiced my wife skills by cleaning the flat, cooking and baking...but I failed on the ironing.

Tonight we're going to see Munich. And that's about it!

Really just enjoying life right now. We've actually managed to save over 200 pounds in January...believe it! And so we feel generally optimistic.

Been teaching Stephen piano, he's actually very good, although he really should practice and not just show up to the lessons...

Ok---wine please!

Stephen here, hijacking Elisabeth's entry.

re: The book club: I think it's still a good idea but I think we need to find a good book. Greg, I think your choice of one is really good and I do want to read it, the only problem is that I find that people who like the Dead Dog book are really, really irritating. It goes back to the days at the bookstore. But I'm taking your advice on board. Stay tuned...

On other news, I haven't been doing much blogging because there's some general silliness going on at work that I hope to share with y'all at a later date once it's all blowen over. I thought it would blow over a long time ago but it's really, really dragging out. Just a teaser: There's a sexual harassment complaint being made against me by a member of staff. Who is a man. Who knows I'm straight & married. Stay tuned.

Oh, and a special thank you to Elisabeth who didn't mention how, on the night out the other day, I was sick in an alley-way and then in the middle of a roundabout. It felt like I was camping all over again.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:00 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 30 January 2006 7:19 PM GMT
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