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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 14 February 2006
My God, was it only 48 hours ago?
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Skinny Puppy - Last Rights
Topic: Stephen Says
Jeeze, at least I had yesterday off - Elisabeth's already worked to days to my one. Mind you, I just finished a 13 hour shift and was almost punched by a resident so I suppose that balances things out.

Thinking back over the long weekend, it's funny how there's so much more that I could add but won't because there are just too many small things that happened. Like Elsabeth eating really good goats cheese and doing a verbal double-take as she realizes just how bloody good the cheese is while she's trying to tell me just how good it was. As soon as you put this cheese in your mouth it felt like it suddenly stared running around your tongue, setting off each of your taste buds like a fire cracker. It was too strong for my tastes, naturally.

And of course, real life tends to be a bit disappointing when compared to the fantasy life that you adopt while on vacation where you eat out all the time, prance around without a care in the world and don't have to work. Then, all of a sudden, you get home and there's your phone bill and a sexual harassment hearing coming up next week against a male co-worker who refuses to beleive that you're straight.

Oh boy, I can't wait until that's all blown over so that I can tell the world about this little drama in my life.

So that's it for Spain, I suppose. Was it only a dream? With regard to the oft lamented book club; I've been leant a copy of G.P. Taylor's Shadowmancer that I've been putting off reading for a long time but the woman who leant it to me will be getting back from South America soon and will want to know what I thought of it. Anyone want to play book club with me? It's a young adult's fantasy that falls somewhere between Harry Potter & His Dark Materials. I'm game if you are.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:12 PM GMT
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