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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 25 March 2006
Just Stuff
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Pigment Vehicule - Murder's Only Foreplay When You're Hot For Revenge (Stephen's is here)
Topic: Stephen Says
I swear to God, I'm not blogging just so that I can type in what should be considered one one the best names for a rock album ever. The wonderful thing is that they followed it up with their next album called 'Independent Women Are So Damn Good.'

There's another album out there called 'Perfect Cop Moustache' but I haven't listened to that one.

This week I'll have logged 50+ hours plus 2 sleep-ins so I'm a tad tired but, as they say in England, 'woteva, minga'.

I'm also into a new British TV show called the Green Wing.
I also had a nose bleed on the way home.
I also have to work for tomorrow.

But at least I've gotten into this mental stte of mind where I just accept that I'll be working all the time and so it's not bad at all. In fact, it's quite pleasant.
It's just a shame that it leaves me nothing that I can blog about.

Ok, I WAS going to end there and not mention E's insane obsession about not upstaging each others blog entries BUT since's she's just griped at me about it, here I am upstaging her blog entry:

Back-flip, summersault, cartwheel, double-inverse summersault, back-flip, front-flip, double-back-flip, treble-front-double-back-summer-flip-sault-with-a-double-axel-cartwheel.

And a perfect landing.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:25 PM GMT
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Saturday, 25 March 2006 - 6:30 PM GMT

Name: Sean

Whats this Green wing stuff.

Tell us more!!!

Saturday, 25 March 2006 - 7:36 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

Green wing - starring Tamsin grieg. A comedy about doctors. 2nd season starts next week. 1st season won the BAFTA awards for best comedy series. Available on Amazon real soon.

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