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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 26 March 2006
Can't think of a title
Topic: Stephen Says
Man, I hate this time change. Walking to work this monrning, the streets were even more empty than usual. It seems that the church-goers that I usually pass couldn't be bothered. The only life forms I saw (And I use 'life forms' lightly) were poor saps (Read: yobs with jobs) hosing out the tunnel from the Friday & Saturday's barf-fest and ritual kebab chucking contests, making the tunnel take on a surrealy musky smell. Like when you get back from vacation and open up the tupperware container in your fridge that you probably should have thrown out before you left and at very least should never have opened in the first place.

Typically, I thought I was going to be able to leave work on time but then I didn't. Ah well, no loss really as it just felt like I was leaving at the usual time and I've happily adjusted to working mad hours for the conceivable future. It's just crappy that, as a result, I find myself doing less practical work and spending more time socializing. At the same time, when I'm bogged under like this, it's the socializing that I fall behond on so it all balances out, no?
Feh, I'm just rambling.

E&I watched Charlie Chaplin's The Kid last night and I've got to say, I really, really enjoyed it. I don't know, I must be mellowing out in my old age... Or it could have been the quietly Brechtian overtones & subtle (Or not so subtle) commie overtones to it. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. Or maybe not.

I've got the day off tomorrow and I'm going to clean the bathroom and fix the toilet seat. Oh the glamorous life I lead.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:55 PM GMT
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