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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 26 March 2006
Now you see him, now you don't!
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Cat Power (You are Free)
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

We had a lovely goats cheese/leek quiche for dinner (thanks Delia), enjoyed some wine/cider and engaging conversation and were just embarking on the rest of the evening and then, ring ring...

Stephen had to go back to work! He's gone already...let's see thats four hours total I'll have seen him today. Sob.

Whats worse is when will the poor man get some time off between shifts to relax? Sob (on S's behalf).

To change the subject: my food campaign: I've made a carrot, sundried tomato, pepper, beans, scallion and cashew salad to take into work for lunch. I've decided to bypass the on-site canteen because this way I can monitor where my food is coming from, save money and reduce waste. So it takes some elbow grease, but when you like to eat as much as I do, it really does not seem like a burden...yet.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:58 PM GMT
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Monday, 27 March 2006 - 2:16 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

What's worse is that after eating quiche & drinking cider? turning up at work at 10PM to give a statement to the police after imbibing said quiche & cider and then having to do an improptu sleep and work through the next day (On your day off, no less) with no toothpates available or deodorant. Or clean clothes.

In all honesty, it's not so bad and makes the freezer pizza I'm about to eat taste so much better.

Roasted brie & sweet mango chutney open topped sandwiches for dinner tonight.

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