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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 1 April 2006
What a (2) week!
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Os Mutantes
Topic: Stephen Says
I've just come off working 11 days straight and roughly acruing 75 hours of overtime during that period. Yep, I'm looking forward to next month's pay cheque. Thank goodness I've got the weekend off and will be spending Monday to Wednesday in Guildford taking a smoking cessation course for people with mental health issues. It'll feel like time off, at least. In all honesty though, this management thing ain't so hard.

E&I have spent a quiet Saturday in the pub reading the paper (Incidentally, The Guardian is strictly for guilt-ridden baby-boomers who would like to hold onto the belief that they're still in someway liberal but can't bear to face the reality of the shit they've created. Case in point: a baby-boomer was lamenting on the radio this week that her children weren't having lots of children of their own because she felt it was her kids duty to look after her in her in her old age because she'd spent all her savings and hadn't pepared for retirement and felt that her kids dhould be having more kids to look after them and ARGH! what narrow-minded thinking. Sorry - tangent over) and drinking mirco-brewed stout allowing me to forget all about the madness (heh) of the last 2 weeks.

We got Ghostbusters & The Wicker Man DVD's for 2.99 each. And The Princess Bride for under a fiver. Lame but guess what we're going to do over the next few nights.

E's off to London tomorrow to give me some space etc. as she pursues her organic/ evironmentally friendly food crusade and I focus on some hard-core, unadulterated spacing out.
And getting my things in order.

At least I've at long last made a start on the bathroom. E is complaining that I smell like chemicals.

Oh, and honestly, I've never heard so much moaning about how I look in make-up. Really! If you all are going to gripe about it this much, I'm liable to start with the eye-shadow full time. I walked home from work that way and no one batted an eye, you bunch of homophobes!
Watch out - I've got weirder pictures than those that I can post!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:12 PM GMT
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