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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 18 April 2006
Mood:  flirty
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Hello from Flirtville, UK. It's Tues. evening, we're home from work and have eaten dinner, there are dishes to do, and lunches to make, and I'm feeling flirty!

Stephen's back from his sleep-in shift at work. We're not drinking at all this week (I mean the next couple of days) because we've a piss-up in Greenwich to look forward to on Friday.

Stuffed peppers for dinner and books to read for dessert. I've learned how to spell dessert now. Which is an achievement for a 24 year old.

Thought for the day: If you had 2 bananas, which would you eat last?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:56 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 April 2006 6:52 PM BST
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Tuesday, 18 April 2006 - 6:59 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Shut-up bitch!

Tuesday, 18 April 2006 - 8:03 PM BST

Name: Sean


You went from flirty to bitchy pretty fast!

Wednesday, 19 April 2006 - 8:37 AM BST

Name: Stephen

...that ain't 1/2 of it!

Thursday, 20 April 2006 - 6:44 AM BST

Name: jc

Are you talkin' to me?
Are you talkin' to me?

Meanwhile, what's the name of the country club where the wedding reception is? Is it F1rethorne?

Thursday, 20 April 2006 - 8:12 AM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Didn't get any details about the country club--we'll get this information at the ceremony...

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