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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 1 May 2006
Purple Broccoli?
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: BBC4-Interview with Alan Alda
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Received the weekly organic box today from Able & Cole.

I never realized that broccoli could be purple:

And the taste!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:36 PM BST
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Tuesday, 2 May 2006 - 3:16 PM BST

Name: Sean

All about broccoli.

Purple broccoli is a hybrid, I think

Tuesday, 2 May 2006 - 6:36 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Man, it looks even weirder when you look at it for real. Lookin' forward to eatin' a PURPLE HYBRID. Kinda like if they crossed Barney the dinosaur with Baby Bop. Only edible and MORE GROWN UP.

LOOKIT! Stephen found tha CAPS LOCK.(!)

Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 1:43 PM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Oh neat! Does the purple broccoli taste any different from the green? Is organic produce very expensive in England?

Stephen, I don't know if you remember our days of enviro activism at Concordia, but Le Frigo Vert also did organic boxes. Ohhh...I do miss those samosas they had in Le Frigo too. I remember how mortified I was when I found out that vegetarian patties (like Jamaican patties without meat) weren't really vegetarian. They were made with beef suet!!! Ah well...I'm no longer vegetarian- I started eating meat again a few years ago (but I was veg for over 7 years).

Hmmmm...remember sorting out the vermiculture in the basement/ lower level of the Concordia parking lot? Oh..I remember coming home late from a CRCC meeting and the subway was already closed. You made me jump a fence at the train station and your poor mom had to pick us up somewhere.

BTW, I have a photo of you from an enviro party (when I was housesitting my grandparents' place) and you threw up in some guy's violin case....and all over my grandparents' TV (but how did you manage to get it in the VCR too??) lol :) *sigh* memories....

Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 3:08 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

While I am laughing hysterically, I am not at all surprised. Thanks for sharing!

Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 9:38 PM BST

Name: christine
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hehehe..well, I actually posted that one for you, E :) Thought you may enjoy! Whenever my old enviro friends from Concordia contact me, they always ask, "yo, what ever happened to the dude who puked in Ash's violin case?" or "how on earth did that dude get vomit IN the VCR???" hehehehehe...we still love you, Stephen :)

Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 11:59 PM BST

Name: Stephen

What CRCC people are you still in touch with??? Don't they know I changed? Don't they know I'm a adult? Don't they know I got a steady girlfr...I mean a wife???

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 4:49 AM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

*sigh* Yes, dear. They know you're not the angst filled youth who was ready to take over the world and that you've blossomed into a ..err...ummm..responsible adult...a married one at that!! I only keep in touch with 2 of the CRCC people but did run into Dave Smaller on two very random occasions. Very weird. One when I was at York U and he comes running up to me. We were both shocked. Like WTf? Aren't you still in Mtl?? Then another when I was on my way to Mtl to visit you and was stuck in bumber to bumper traffic on the hwy...and who happens to be in the car next to me in total grid lock too? Yes...Mr. Smaller! Crazy world, eh?

Oh yeah, back to the changing, married, no longer Mr. Barfy guy thingy..Yes, you're no longer the Stephen we knew and loved (loved to see spew I mean). it's just fun to take a stroll down memory lane. Like how many people on this planet do you know who can spew into a VCR?? personally, I don't know that many! ;)

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