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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 3 May 2006
Wednesday Blogging Stuff
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Totally 80's
Topic: Stephen Says
So I've got 2 days off work and I get a text at 7AM from my boss saying that I need to buy a copy of the Telegraph and turn to page 13 and I will be shocked. So I did. This is the shocking article on PAGE 13. Sylvia is Snowdon's purchaser and arranges all our finances she's really nice and likes us and puts the fear of God into everyone else and, it seems, has quite an interesting criminal background. I kind of like it, actually. It fits with the general vibe of the project and hopeflly she won't lose her job because then we'll have to be nice to people instead of relying her to make poo their pants when we need to kick some ass.

Your Stephen Colbert link of the day.

Nothing else going on but I did, at long last, buy my tie for all the weddings E&I are going to this summer. Yay.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:32 PM BST
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Wednesday, 3 May 2006 - 11:20 PM BST

Name: Sean

If she does lose her job she could sue, she did disclose her history. Or at least she should be able to sue. Too bad she does not live in the states, then she could make millions.

Thursday, 4 May 2006 - 8:15 AM BST

Name: Stephen

The Telegraph's a right-wing rag that takes it upon itself to become distressed & outraged about at least 15 things a day. I've got a big ol' meeting to go to tomorrow morning where, I'm sure, she'll be discussed. ... Though I do like the suing thing ... The interesting bit of the article is how she sold her story to a paper BEFORE turning herself in... Wonder how much she got for that...

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