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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 6 May 2006
blah blah
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction
Topic: Stephen Says
Well, Elisabeth don't lie - I've just gotten back from a long time away at work and I'm suitably disgusted by the imminent arrival of Starbucks. On the other hand, I'm happy to say that, thus far, 1,100 hand prints have been collected this week, leaving a mere 138,900 hand prints to go before before Woking can be oh so gloriously entered into the Great Book of Guiness.

This is scary.

So we've picked up the 1st season of Green Wing... I reccomend that all you who aren't able to watch it on TV or buy it on DVD to start downloading episodes... It's kinda like League of Gentlemen except it's in a hospital not a village. And it's basically a sex farce as opposed to a horror.

A big tut-tut goes out to Elisabeth for not constantly saturating our blog with praise to Stephen Colbert.

I suppose my Motorhead t-shirt has, mildly, had the diesired effect that I wanted it to - coming home today the homeless and/or man with mental health problems I pass by all the time and say hi to shouted out 'highway 66!' 'Motorhead!' at me and gave me that heavy metal sign (The devil? The crane?? What's it called??? You know - thumb, index, pinkie fingers all up????). I just smiled and said 'hi,' instantly regretting that I didn't shout 'Ace of Spades!' back at him. It still doesn't hide the fact that I'm a 30 year old man groping at the last threads of his youth.

My wedding tie arrived as well. So now I actually own a product that comes from Cyberdog. I fear for my sanity.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:56 PM BST
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Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 9:42 PM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Oh, Stephen...a tie?? You've sold out to the man! J/K ;p Always good to have a nice outfit to wear to those important events.

Hey, my dad wants to rid himself of all his citified days and show up at our wedding in his wannabe farmer's boots, plaid shirt, jeans and a straw hat!!

Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 11:42 PM BST

Name: jc

Sweet mother of god, your tie is from Cyberdog? Are you going to yell at me if I touch it? Is it programmable? Will it shout out insults at inopportune times? WILL IT DEAFEN AND BLIND ME?

Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 11:46 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Honestly, I think that's fantastic! Prior to leaving for the 'States, we're off to a wedding at a camp ground where it's wear whatever you can and do whatever you want to do. So long as you're happy. It'll be like E & my wedding but thousands of pounds more expensive and hundreds of times more festive where every single person is on board and positive about celebrating the union without imposing their own political (read: religious) agendas. Can't wait. Bohemia done perfectly!!!

PS- E is a little too amused by your tales of my barfing. You've seen me at my worst, my dear. Far too many times. How much do you want to NOT write the tell-all biography???

...hell, you've seen me at my worst every single time!

Saturday, 6 May 2006 - 11:47 PM BST

Name: Stephen

It glows when you shine a (black)light on it, biatch!

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 12:29 AM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Since when have you been trying to perfect Bohemiamism?

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 4:39 AM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! You'll have to post pics of the tie, dude!

You're right...I HAVE seen you at your worst (wayyyyyy too many times!!!)
I promise not to post anymore barfing comments. Maybe I can just email the pic to E when I find it! I'm sure she'd get a kick out of it! You sleeping on the couch in my grandparents' basement with a large pot beside you to catch whatever remnants of the vegetarian supper there was left should you feel the urge to spew again (ewww) Did you notice how EVERYONE else was sleeping upstairs? Lemme tell ya, you were a helluva looker the next morning! heehee :) kidding of course! That never happened ;p Now did it?

Anyway, off to bed I go. Luv you two crazy kids!! xoxo

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 10:44 AM BST

Name: Stephen

You just need to embarass yourself around me a bit more so that I can hold something over your head. Stop being so sensible. ... and I seem to remember a couple of months ago there was this big thing on the blog about places I've barfed...

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 10:46 AM BST

Name: Stephen

You just need to embarass yourself around me a bit more so that I can hold something over your head. Stop being so sensible. ... and I seem to remember a couple of months ago there was this big thing on the blog about places I've barfed...

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 4:10 PM BST

Name: jc

Are there going to be blacklights at the wedding, though? Perhaps in the dance portion? Is there a dance portion? Perhaps in the drinking portion? Is there a drinking portion?

HAHA just kidding, every portion of every wedding is a drinking portion for me. Um, no one knows who I am, right? My alias is safe here, right?

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 4:11 PM BST

Name: jc

Since he started wearing flowy skirts and love beads?

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 4:26 PM BST

Name: Christine

Ohhh..Cyberdog! You got the light-reflective pinstripe one? My Brummie friend got one of the cyber tartan ones. Ever been to Brum? He lives right by the Cadbury factory (aka: Birmingham’s very own chocolate paradise)

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 6:39 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Yes, please email the picture if you find it...I will be MOST interested ;) (

Sunday, 7 May 2006 - 6:47 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

It's people like you who make miracles happen...if people had been drinking SENSIBLY, then Jesus wouldn't have had to turn the water into wine.

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 8:13 AM BST

Name: Stephen

We fillied up one petrol there one time. ... I've been told that it's a great place, though.

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