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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 24 May 2006
England Blows!
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Stephen Says
Blows with gusts of wind, that is. It's been like 5 days that it's been windy and rainy and sunny in most cases all at the same time and the storm that's been threatening to descend has yet to rear its ugly little head. Maybe it's the Rapture? Maybe it'll just pizzle out? Stay tuned!

Yeah, so E's off to the concert and I don't know if I'm being lame not wanting to go but really, I think assigned standing room is a pretty weird idea and I refuse to sit at a concert. Been there, done that and it made Depeche Mode a really boring experience. I have my standards, Goddamnit!

So I'm going to eat frozen pizza and get boozy.

Remember when E took those management/ influencing people courses and it was like 'oh cool! Good for her.' Now I'm set to take some and it's totally like 'Wha'happened?!' A two day management training course ('Managing performance') in London is the last place I thought I'd end up this side of bizarro-world (Egham).

Almost forgot: Click me for a strangely feel-good video. I'm turning into a Youtube slut.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:23 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 5:25 PM BST
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