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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 6 June 2006
The politics of T-Fal
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Stephen Says
Ok, this is irritating. All our T-fal frying pans are simultaneously going from non-stick to super-glue. Granted they get heavy use but we take good care of them and they're only about a month shy of being 3 years old. Any ideas? Or are fairies sneaking into our kitchen at night and rubbing them down with steel wool?

E is in Reading today at some heating conference in a stadium. Boy o boy it sounds exctiting. Just think: all those radiators, boilers & plumbing equipment in one space. Plus sales reps, marketing people and sales administrators. Fun for all the family or great big cosmic joke? My heart goes out to her because unless something totally bizarre happens, it sounds like the kind of day that will add 5 years to her life.

As for me, I finished Garth Nix's Sabriel and am onto the sequel Lirael. I imagine that, come the end of the month, I'll be reading the final book in the series, Abhorsen. So much for coming across as some kind of quiet intellectual for our trip to the States, I'll be reading a fantasy book. A children's fantasy book at that.

At least summer is here at last... I'll be working out in the garden today (I hope) and working on my tan. My goal for the next few weeks: Get a base tan before hitting the States so that I don't burn to a crisp while I deal with the South's God-forsaken heat and humidity. I'm sure that by the time I've spent a few hours in the Carolina's, I'll be nothing more than a puddle.

Ugh, Angelfire's doing that irritating thing again where it doesn't post blog entries right away. Could a move over to Livejournal not be far off?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:22 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 June 2006 10:23 AM BST
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