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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 8 June 2006
Things I learned in management training:
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: E upstairs on the piano
Topic: Stephen Says
1) Everyone can be categorized into 4 types of workers. Even if they don't fit into a category, they're still of the category.
2) You can't fire people because they're crap.
3) You S.M.A.R.T. after you W.A.Q. (And numerious other management-speak acronyms & jargon-related B.S. that I'll never remember or apply)
4) Humour is not appreciated.
5) Lateness will not be tolerated.
6) Useful group discussions will not break up the days agenda or slow down the timetable. The tutor will carry on teaching the course while her pupils continue to have productive dialogue.
7) Explain the meaning of every word. Not matter how ovious the meaning of that word is.
8)You CAN fire people because they're crap.
9) Your shenanigans will not be tolerated.
10) Blu-tack requires warming up before it can work effectively.
11) Fierce boredom nulifies the effects of alcohol.

All in all two horrible days of learning things that I already know or will never need to while being talked down to by a lady with a little turned up piggy nose who has never actually managed anyone or worked in mental health and whose idea of tutoring involves reading the policies & procedures manual with emphasis and defining every major word that she reads out in seeming obliviousness to the vacant (and dozey) looks of those trapped in the room with her. As my manager pointed out, it shouldn't hae been called Managing Performance, it should have been called Managing Boredom.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:03 PM BST
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Thursday, 8 June 2006 - 11:18 PM BST

Name: Sean

Maybe it was some sort of test to see if you were the kind of person who would be prone to going postal. They put you in the room, bore you until you start daydreaming about inflicting pain/suffering on the presenter, and then see how many people snap and try to do it. While secretly there are 10 men waiting just outside.

Now they know you wont snap, and thus are free to manage you with impunity.

Friday, 9 June 2006 - 7:37 AM BST

Name: Stephen

By lunch of the second day, I was actually planning what I could do to get demoted back to my old job just so I wouldn't have to go back into the training room for two hours.

...48 hours of my life...gone...

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