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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 10 June 2006
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
We were just waking up after a relaxing sleep-in when the phone rang. Someone called in sick and Stephen had to go to work since no one else was available.

Needless to say, Stephen was not amused.

So I puttered around and we met up at the apartment this afternoon where I plied him with guacamole & beer.

We decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and went to rent videos. But we stopped off at the pub for a pint, and then had dinner at L'Aroma (free sangria starters to all customers-yay!) before heading home to relax.

Tomorrow, who knows what will happen?

The outlook for the week is that we are both taking Tues. off of work to meet Stephen's father in London for lunch, and then perhaps stay in town for the evening. The 14th is our 3rd anniversary, but haven't decided how to celebrate it just yet. With the trip to the US looming, a weekend away is not possible.

I've been reading some Noam Chomsky, and am learning some revolting and enlightening facts about US foreign policy. For starters, the US government is a serial killer, an ethnic cleansing machine. Only, we don't hear about it. Maybe because we don't want to? But if the information is out there, and these atrocities are happening, what are we going to do about it? And its not just the US. Its allies, like Canada, the UK, and others, are all bedfellows. Maybe central governments have proven they can't handle the amount of power that they have been given. And that's the key: the people give governments power. Therefore, the people should be able to take it away. However, I feel very impotent.

And I feel tired.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:30 PM BST
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