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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 18 June 2006
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Stephen Says
Typical Sunday:
I went to work (Took the bike!), did the accounts (Nearly balanced them!), bought my manager wedding presents from the staff, held a BBQ at work, came home, opened a bottle of red wine and spilled my 1st glass all over our curtains.
Our white curtains.

Much stress ensues as we soak the bloody thing in salt water, spray them with stain removed, bung them in the washing machine with so much laundry detergent, soap suds are leaking from its cracks and... hopefully that will do the trick.
Otherwise it's Bleach City for them tomorrow.

Why does wine taste so good but stain so bad?

And, of course, we're totally broke what with this trip to the States coming up (Interesting factiod: We've spent (thus far) 1/2 of the total cost of our own wedding to make this trip.) and, what with another wedding to attend next Friday, the ballet to attend tomorrow, my Nain to visit on Tuesday, it's like eek! Is this Woking or Englefield Green? So yeah, stress levels are a little high.

Elisabeth's inheritannce couldn't come at a better time. She's in the process of sorting out how much will go to paying off debts, long-term-high-interesting the rest of it, sorting out a standing order and figuring out how much of our salaries we can set aside to save-up, etc. All so that when we go back to Canada, we don't have to deal with the same shit that we had to deal with here.
Anyone know any mental health charities in the Toronto area that are hiring?

Speaking of which, I may not be a deputy manager for much longer. You see, I need to take a test to qualify. And the old DPM who is now the PM needs to take a test to qualify as a project manager. And if he doesn't pass, he get's sent back to my position which means that I get sent back to my old position. Likewise if I fail my test. I thought I was through with tests but whatever, we've decided to put all this off until after he's back from his honeymoon and I'm back from my whatever and we're both (in theory) rested.
With luck ah, getting ringing... need to stop blogging.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:15 PM BST
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Tuesday, 20 June 2006 - 2:26 AM BST

Name: mom

My goodness, I can feel your stress jibs across the Atlantic Ocean!!!! Why is this wedding costing so much, I guess plane fares, clothesi.e. pretty dresses etc. Hope you two have enjoyed Carma Burana (SP) I am quite envious and wish I was there with you tonight.

Tuesday, 20 June 2006 - 11:14 PM BST

Name: Stephen

The dancing horse made Elisabeth cry. It was a fantastic show... Not what I expected but just as good, only very, very different.

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