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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 20 June 2006
Promise Keepers are idiots
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Topic: Stephen Says
And an editorial in the Independent proves it. Sucks that you need to pay to see it BUT...

The title: A ring of ignorance, hypocrisy and stupidity.

In a nushell: Promise Keeper rings actually sexualize pre-pubescent girls by making them hyper-aware of their sexuality and spreads false ideas and facts that, considering that 9 in 10 promise keepers don't actually keep the promise, damage young girls.

Good points:
-re: promise rings: "There may be one or two mitigating factors here - religious fervour, a general sense of moral threat, fear of the modern world - but, in the end, sexual exhibitionism is the same, whether the boast is of promiscuity or of purity, it has no place among girls in their early teens."

-re: the sexism inherent in the idea: "Boys, mysteriously, seem to play little part in the scheme [of promise rings] ... perhaps many years hence, it can be solemnly handed to a husband."

-re: the poor thinking behind the idea: "It may be [promise ring 'inventer' Rev. Denny Pattyn] this man of God is unusually innocent or stupid, but even so, someone, perhaps one of the teenagers he cares so much about, should surely have taken him aside to explain that a girl wearing a virginity ring on her finger will not think less about sex, but more; its presence sexualizes her everyday life."

Anyway, there's more but E's taken the paper to bed with her and if you want to read more, you can pay a pound ($2.10 CDN, $1.80USD).


Stupid Angelfire, POST MY ENTRY... Boy, once we move back to Canaduh & this blog has run its course, I can't freakin' wait 'till we move over to Blogger. Angelfire, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:08 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 June 2006 11:06 PM BST
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Wednesday, 21 June 2006 - 3:43 PM BST

Name: jc

How long has it been taking for entries to show up? Why don't you just move over to Blogger now? Is it becasue you've already paid up or something?

Wednesday, 21 June 2006 - 5:56 PM BST

Name: Stephen

We haven't paid anything but personally, I'd like to keep some untiy with the blog. It's a finite thing, after all. As for how long things take to show up, it depends on how Angelfire is feeling. We usually post the entry and then 'edit' it, i.e., re-post it and then it shows up. I don't know if it's only us or other people who don't see entries right away but it makes me kinda paranoid.

Thursday, 22 June 2006 - 5:20 PM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Thank, S and E for your well wishes! Wish you could have been present on our special day. Enjoy the photos- more are on the way!

Luv ya!
Christine Lee-McNaughton xo

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