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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 22 June 2006
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Now Playing: Blondie - Denis
Topic: Stephen Says
All I can say is 'Phew!' and that has nothing to do with the Americans getting lemonaded from the World Cup or Richard avoiding nominations in the Big Brother house.

Nope, I'm done for the week and E&I are off to Castle Donington tomorrow for a wedding/camping extraviganza. In fact, I'm pretty much done, period. I'm working Monday but I'm just super-numery so that I can get things sorted out for the trip to the States which means that I'm shedding stress much in the way that I'm shedding the hair on my head.

(And that's regardless to the fact that the Area Manager showed up today without warning to do a Quality Assesment of the service with me. Two hours later and I've got this splitting headache...)

I am however, having re-curring dreams/nightmares about going through airports & dealing with probelms inside an airport0like maze that's usually located in Berlin. Basically, my fear is that I won't be allowed into the States because I don't have a visa and my U.K. passport isn't Big Brother I mean machine readable and that my now massively expired Canadian passport won't be able to save the day.

Anyone got any ideas on the going rate to bribe a U.S. customs official?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:13 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 22 June 2006 6:14 PM BST
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Sunday, 25 June 2006 - 4:34 PM BST

Name: Sean

Slip 20$ into your expired passport. When the official looks at it, wink at him/her. Make sure you keep an extra 20 for the jail guard in case it does not work.

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