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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 24 June 2006
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
We survived yet another night out with Stephen's co-workers. This time it was in celebration of Stephen's manager's wedding which took place in Castle Donnington, Derby. Around 2pm, 5 of us packed into a car with some beer & other refreshments and found our way up the crowded motorways to the tranquil Derby countryside. The wedding was held at this venue that must have been an old farm now turned into camping site/reception venue & pub. It was lovely, especially since the weather was very good.

We tried to find a pub where we could have dinner, but the "northerners" didn't seem too keen on us infiltrating their quite ways of life, so we bought some snacks at the supermarket and ate at the campsite. We were the only campers there...go figure.

The wedding reception was a lot of fun, the bride & groom looked very happy and there was plenty of pims and dancing to please everyone.

More merrimaking after the reception at our campsite until 5am, when the sun was very much awake. We left the site around 10am, and wound our way back through the cramped motorways to Surrey.

I've already had two naps, Stephen's in bed, and it's only 9 pm. I'll be joining him soon. Pictures will be posted tomorrow.

Tomorrow is here:

The view from our tent in Castle Donington

The campers

Mr. Ingerlund

The happy couple


Will they be next?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:04 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 25 June 2006 11:10 AM BST
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Thursday, 29 June 2006 - 12:24 AM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Great pics!!! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time!

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