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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 9 July 2006
World Cup 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Want to know what Matterazzi(sp?) said to Zidane(sp?) to make him flip out like that? "Your wife's a lesbian! A lesbian!"
(Let's hear it for obscure comedic references from the movie Slap Shot.)

Anyway, France deserved to win until Zidane turned into a big ol' jerk and now I'm glad they lost.

The Italians are partying it up in Woking and all I can hear from the flat is cheering & cars honking their horns but the pub was weirdly quiet. World Cup is definitely better in Canada compared to Woking unless you're a chav cheering on Ing-er-lund during the preliminaries.

Ah well, there's always the Euro Cup in two years...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:31 PM BST
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Wednesday, 12 July 2006 - 1:10 AM BST

Name: Mom

I may be repeating myself,the Italian pinched Z-----'s nibble. At least that is what is said over here.

Wednesday, 12 July 2006 - 8:55 AM BST

Name: Stephen

BBC's reported that the Italian said either "I hope your mom dies a painful death" (Earlier in the day she'd been rushed to the hospital) or caled him a terrorist (Zizou's from a region of Algeria known for its Muslem extremists) or a combination of the two.

The plot thickens...

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