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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 11 July 2006
Back to life...back to reality
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: The radio going bla bla bla...
Topic: Stephen Says
Wow, it took me all of 2 hours before I was back in work mode, sorting through piled up paperwork, dealing with blah and filing away blah blah. And then I wasn't allowed to leave on time today because I was forced to have a supervision (i.e., management complaining to each other) followed by the ever joyous 'managerial discussion' (i.e., Okay, we've bitched enough, so what are we going to do about it.

Naturally, this part of the day was filled with much more silence than the first part. My suggestion to chalk it all up to existential angst was stricken from the record and then promptly re-instated. Go figure.)

Over at the homestead, we're eating good food and E is driving me up the wall because, instead of letting me plan something for he birthday so it's a surprise, she's declared that she's going to see This Play. Or This Other Play. But she's also going to This Book Discussion by herself. Only This Lecture is also going on on that day so she's going to that too.

Or at least that's what it feels like.

(And chances are, when she reads this, she'll get mad at me and say "That's not what I'm doing!")

(Only it is.)

So anyway, I've booked expensive theatre tickets that I can't return for tomorrow night so I guess she'll have to deal with it and she still has her birthday on Thursday to plan something and do it alone.

...and, oh God, she's just come home...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:48 PM BST
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Tuesday, 11 July 2006 - 10:13 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Someone certainly lacks imagination! Poor Stevie.

Tuesday, 11 July 2006 - 11:42 PM BST

Name: jc

you'd better come up with something fast or you're DEAD.

Also, can you leave Angelfire already? Sooooo many pop-ups and now the comment box is FLIPPING OUT and no pictures now??? WTF MATES?????

We were thinking afetr you guys left how stupid it was that we didn't celebrate elisabeth's birthday while she was there. DUMBDUMB WE ARE DUMB. We could have had cake. Because clearly there wasn't enough cake already.

Wednesday, 12 July 2006 - 8:52 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Leaving Angelfire... Hmm, I'll think about it... I'll see what E says.

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