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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 13 July 2006
Getting ready to go out. But not really, I'm blogging instead.
Now Playing: The trains, a lawnmower, a couple in the parking lot having an argument
Topic: Stephen Says
What he said.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this meal tonight. I think that a trip to L'Aroma to savour their Sicillian red wine and taste their delicious deep fried Camembert should be done at least every fortnight. The goal for the night: To share a starter so that we don't have to force our main courses down our necks because we're too full and them hmm & haw about whether or not we can fit a desert in and then order desert anyway, even though we can't fit any more in.

To think that E is passing up a rounders match with her collegues tonight for this. They were even unable to tempt her with the promise of free alcohol.
Now how's that for grit?

And in the weirdly ironic department of today's shenanigans; the building of the new Woking arts centre, ironically named (I assume) The Light Box, blacked out most of central Woking today making my various jobs in town all come to nothing.

Then, in the mall while riding up the escalator to get a going away card for my old boss, everything suddenly ground to a halt and every store alarm went of simultaneously and, amongst the cacophony, every security door for all the jewlery stores slammed shut and the voice of God suddenly spoke saying, not that the seventh seal had been broken, but that the Peacocks Centre was on fire and could we all please leave.

Anyway, there's no pillar of smoke hovering over the town so I assume that God sorted everything out in the end. Woking needs its mall, after all.

In conclusion, This is the show we saw last night. I highly recommend it, not just for the fact that Nick Cave wrote all the music and lyrics or for the bungee jumping, rope climbing, underwater choreography, freaky pretentious euro-trashy artful goodness of it, but because it was pretty cool as well.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:24 PM BST
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