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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 23 July 2006
Beach Bums
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Jolie Holland -Springtime Can Kill You
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
We're back from the beach-and I am very red and salty!

It began and ended with pleasant, quick train trips, with a lot of sand, sun and water in-between.

On Friday night we had a late dinner with Stephen's grandmother, chatted, and crashed into bed.

Saturday we had a leisurely breakfast, did some jigsaw, and then set out to the beach. The weather was much cooler than in Woking, so we were quite content. There is really only one direction to walk on this beach, and inevitably you end up in the Haven Inn pub. It has managaged not to for weeks, but 5 min. away from the pub it rained. And not just a sprinkle. A thunderstorm and an almighty downpour caught us out, and we arrived at the pub soaked right through. The beer seemed to taste better for it. Among a similiarly wet crowd in the pub, we waited the 2 hours for the weather to clear, and had a very nice time.

Once back at Stephen's grandmother's we watched some golf, had "tea" (which included chocolates & cakes), looked at photos, did more jigsaw, and eventually got dinner on. Afterwards we watched Billy Elliot until it put us to sleep.

Sunday morning Stephen's uncle collected us and very kindly took us out on their motor boat along the Solent the solent. We hugged the coast of the Isle of Wight and then got pulled behind the boat in a circular inflatable raft. Quite a lot of fun...I screamed a lot and think I've pulled a few muscles.

We then had a relaxing barbeque at his aunt & uncles, which was capped off by strawberries and ice cream. Yum. It really felt like summer in England!

Here's some pix:

Highcliffe beach, Dorset

Stephen, the Canadian at Highcliffe beach, Dorset

Elisabeth, the wife at Highcliffe beach, Dorset

Some wedding guests on their way to Highcliffe castle, who's entrance accumulated almost as much water as we did:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:46 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 23 July 2006 9:47 PM BST
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Monday, 24 July 2006 - 1:13 AM BST

Name: Christine and John
Home Page:

Oh! What fun! Love the pics! You know, we've got some guests here at our inn and they're from the Isle of Wight! I REALLY wanna go there!!!!! :( They were showing us photos and it looks so pretty there!

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