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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 29 July 2006
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Jolie Holland
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
So where did the week go eh?

Our account of time passing so fast can be blamed on boozing/dancing/chatting until 3am on Wed. night with Stephen's co-workers, some of whom ended up crashing at our place, only to find themselves being woken up at 7am so I could get to work. What a fun day at work that was...many of you have been there I'm sure. In bed by 8:30pm.

And then today, Stephen's doing a sleep-in, so I went to London to see a play. I ended up going to see Jane Eyre at the Trafalgar Studio, and who sits next to me but a mid-40s lady from Quebec who's been in France/England on holiday with her daughter (who wasn't there) but who lives in California. Out of the whole auditorium...what can I say? The show was excellent I have to say. I cried a few times, because the lead actress, Monica Dolan gave such a powerful performance. It was also strikingly insightful writing, which is why I guess Jane Eyre is lauded as a great work of fiction. But really, how often can you see in a West End theatre a play written, adapted, directed, and starring women? And for it to be very moving and challenging? Which I suppose is kind of the point of the story.

Anyway, I'm rambling on now... Tomorrow is chore day. I've got to deposit a certain cheque, which will be quite exciting. Stephen's working all weekend so it's kind of a write-off from here. All the bugs are getting in the flat...later.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:41 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 29 July 2006 12:41 AM BST
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Saturday, 29 July 2006 - 3:43 PM BST

Name: jc

Ooooo a Certain Cheque!
Don't spend it all in one place, now. Hahaaaaa.

Also that's such a great coincidence. Vive le Quebec!

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