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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 1 August 2006
Random, general update with some pictures
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Stephen Says
Ok, ok, I haven't had anything to say in a while. I've been tired, it's been hot, there's nothing going on. We're off to Brighton this weekend for Pride so that should offer a wee bit of excitement.

The Independent on Sunday had a special feature on Brighton Beach this Sunday where they wrote, in the typical elitist we're the best, British way that Brighton Beach gets trashed every night with broken bottles, cans, drunks & drug addicts, people get robbed, into fights and have alot of random sex. And the next day it gets cleaned up so people can do it all again. Isn't that great?!

Where as in another country, the article would have focused on, I don't know, the fact that people care so little for their local environment that they trash it every single night.

Anyway, should be interesting.

I don't know, I have a nasty suspicion that I've adjusted to living in England as I don't have any prtty gripes about all the random stupidities that I witness on a daily basis. Maybe I'll start carrying a journal. With nothing to bitch about, there's nothing to blog about.

I know it's a bit late, but this muddy picture shows what I came home to on Thursday as a result of our Wednesday night out:

At least I'm not the only one who's getting too ld to party...
(That said, E's making a point to do a hell of a lot more than me and seems to be seeing an awful lot of theatre & music in London so go figure...)

The following is a pointless pic to post. Not all of you may know about our super-awesome calander that features animals made out of food. Well, last night I tried my hand at it. This is a bunny rabbit made out of tofu bruger. Yum!:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:08 PM BST
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