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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 5 August 2006
Stuff, stuff, stuff
Now Playing: Elisabeth upstairs on the piano
Topic: Stephen Says
Stepen and Elisabeth are now debt-free. In a bizarre stroke of maturity, we eschewed Pride in Brighton with some of my co-workers (And the standard apocalyptic drinking session that would inevitably ensue) in favour of paying off my student loan, investing a couple of thousand pounds(!) in ISA's (the UK equivilent of RRSP's) and going out for a coffee & bagel where an old lady beat Elisabeth with her cane for not getting out of her way (Evidently, it was preferable in this ladys mind to beat a stranger with a stick then deign to ask them politely to get out of her way, please.)

Anyway, after realizing that our mission to be more productive & travel Britain & Europe more was in danger of falling apart and that we would spend another weekend in Woking, we hastily made plans to take off for Cambridge tomorrow to go punting on the Cam. How terribly posh, don't you think?

And then we went to the pub to read the paper where I've officially been turned off by The Guardian and its smug faux-liberal new Labour bourgeois smarmyness. I imagine The Independent on Sunday will re-new my faith in the UK press tomorrow.

Although, are you allowed to go punting on the Cam with anything more liberal than the Telegraph tucked under your arm? I don't want to be chased through Kings College by a bunch of easily offened toffs...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:13 PM BST
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Tuesday, 8 August 2006 - 10:18 PM BST

Name: Sean

Let me guess. Now that you guys have enough cash to make frequent trips back to Canada, you now have no time off work to make the trips.

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