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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 8 August 2006
Cambridge Part II
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Nick Cave -Abattoir Blues
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
This week's chugging along nicely...Monday Stephen did a sleep-in and I had a chance to be on the computer all night.

Now Tues. just about gone and we've spent the evening watching a British TV drama called GBH on DVD.

Back to Sunday and Cambridge though...

It was a beautiful day, we were debt free, and arrived after a hot but leisurely train ride.

It was a 20 min. walk from the station & of course a map wasn't necessary. Every pub along the way though, even though it was shitty looking and right on the main street, Stephen was like "lets come back here for lunch". No dear-I'm sure there are better places in the actual center of Cambridge.

So we had no trouble finding the old colleges and cobbled streets surrounding...

I believe that is the front of St. Johns college...
well basically neither of us cared too much about the college buildings too much. I mean, they were closed to the public, or required an entrance fee, and frankly, who cares? I can not get excited about buildings built for rich, and not necessarily intelligent people that exclude students of certain backgrounds etc... And all the while they purport to be fair minded logical people.

So we took in what else Cambridge had to offer. ? Bog standard high street shops, or else quaint over-priced and over-crowded pubs, cafes or restaurants.

We did cough up for a shared punting experience. Here's our punt master hard at work:

It was lovely to row behind the impressive buildings (call "the backs") and hear snippets of their history/rivalry.

The back of St. Johns college. Apparently students like to scale the building at night and hang shopping trolleys, text books, or bicycles on the top.

This bridge was originally built by Sir Issac Newton using mathematical principles to hold the wood together instead of using any bolts or supports. A few wiz kids decided they would dismantle it in the middle of the night and being as bright as they were, reassemble it by morning. they failed, and were expelled. No one can figure out how to re-construct the bridge on Newton's principles. And it's now standing with the aid of many nuts, bolts and supports. "Hey, weren't you studying at Cambridge? What happened?" Sucks for them.

The one decent bakery in looked so good I couldn't bear to go inside without accepting the fact I would gain 10 pounds.

And finally some bicycle pix:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:12 PM BST
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Tuesday, 8 August 2006 - 10:28 PM BST

Name: Sean

I refressed and there were more pictures!

Sorry for not posting in a while. Joanna and I went on a cross-usa/canada drive with her Father and Sister. We drove 9500km. Saw the grand canyon, death valley etc.

I did see the Alien queen and power loader in the seattles Sci-fi museum. Reminds me of your gargoyle pics. I was shocked but the complete absence of Dr. who in the museum.


Wednesday, 9 August 2006 - 8:44 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Sounds like an awesome trip! Colour me envious.

There's a Dr. Who museum in Brighton that I desperately want to go to. Some of my co-workers went last year and they tormented me with their dalek pens & key rings

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