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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 10 August 2006
Paranoid? Moi?
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Topic: Stephen Says
This whole terror alert at Heathrow doesn't rub me right. Like the last terror raid that accomplished nothing but shooting a Muslim man in the arm and the raid before that where the police blew the brains of a Brazilian man all over the tube, something just isn't right.

With thousands of American troops moving into Baghbad as a last ditch attempt to stop the country from falling irreparibly (If it isn't already) into chaos and Israel out-doing Lebanon in terms of massive human rights violations and the whole of the Middle East about to boil over and with Blair & Bush trying to take a vacation as their governments rebel against them, what does the West need?

A healthy dose of paranoia and fear-mongering, that's what. And another bogus terror alert (The biggest yet [!!!]) should scare all those middle of the roaders into believing that the mess that the Neo-Cons and their hench-men have made of the world is actually worth it.

Remind everyone of 9/11, scare, scare, scare and take the heat off of Lebanon, Iraq, the recall of Parlament and Leiberman's loss in Conneticut.

Anyway, I hope I'm just being cynical. But if I'm wrong, well, that's just as scary but in a different way...

PS - It's been a long day.

And I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

Oh, and apologies for all the typos. I wanted to just chug out my thoughts.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:00 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 10 August 2006 10:11 PM BST
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Friday, 11 August 2006 - 3:40 AM BST

Name: Sean

I dont think this time was anything special. They seem to have hyped up the last few. My favorite was the Sears tower one.

This one, some news says they were being watched since december and were two days from making a dry run. CNN's home page makes it sound like they were arrested getting onto the plane explosive gatorade and ipods in hand.

With all the "BREAKING NEWS" flashing around you think the world is comming to an end. They need a nice "don't panic" header for stuff like this.

Guess we will have to wait a while to see what actually happened, but by then no one will care.

Friday, 11 August 2006 - 8:44 AM BST

Name: Stephen

True, all they'll remember that there was a terrorist plot and then vote Republican so that the terrorists won't win.

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