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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 13 August 2006
Frankly, wired
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Billie Holiday
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

As usual when I write, Stephen's at work. He's working again! And Tuesday is the Annual Review so their house needs to be spic & span. Of course what this also means is another piss-up with the co-workers on Tues. night. I've been trying to plan out our meals for the week, and realize that Tues. we'll be eating out or not eating at all, and then on Wed. we're going to be too hung over to cook or to go out. So what's the best hang-over food to have kicking around? I thought maybe tomato soup? Come on, I need your suggestions!

I failed to mention that on Wed. I had my first driving lesson on a manual car! I managed to find "the bite", and got up to shifting into 2nd gear. Then I coudln't seem to do it again. I'll have my next lesson on Tues. before the piss-up. The goal though is to pass the test before Christmas.

Another exciting development is that I dropped into the new Woking YMCA (called the YPOD) which recently opened, and offered to volunteer in a theatrical capacity. They didn't yet have anyone to do this, and were hoping to offer a drama workshop, so I'm handing in my volunteer app. and will email the YPOD with my ideas. They've got financial support, space, but not enough interest from youth yet. There's a small recording studio, a fair-trade cafe, and a small stage. It has so much potential it's overwhelming, but exciting.

Anyway, we'll see what happens.

Yesterday I went into London armed with a bolstered bank account, and went shopping.

Bonjour Agent Provocateur! Link to Lingerie

I hit Oxford St., North Kensington & the charity shops. In fact, I fared better at the charity shops: A navy Versace skirt for 25 pounds!

Today is chillax day. Going into to town to get the paper, drink coffee, and eat.

A good day to you all.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:42 AM BST
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Tuesday, 15 August 2006 - 2:45 AM BST

Name: susan

good for you and the driving lessons, just wait until you get on a round-about, we may never see you again!!!! Best hang over, notmy choise however I am told a poutine is the best!!! However, you have to come to Que. for that!

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