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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 14 August 2006
Totally Bizarre
Topic: Stephen Says
I'm working from home on my day off today so that I can catch up on paperwork. 10 years ago, if someone had said I'd be living in England siting at a pink table filling out staff appraisals, I'd have laughed at them.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:50 AM BST
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Tuesday, 15 August 2006 - 2:53 AM BST

Name: Mom

Were you making interesting faces and words in your pink table while you worked?????

Wednesday, 16 August 2006 - 7:55 PM BST

Name: Sean

I bet there was some doodleing going on too.

Wednesday, 16 August 2006 - 8:57 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Feh. I hardly did it. I've got 'til the end of the month so I wont be doing it properly 'til early September when I'm thinking 'oh crap I was meant to do that thingie.'

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