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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 20 August 2006
Bath water
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: BBC 4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Our train tickets were booked for the 9:46 train. As we were enjoying some green tea, smoothie, scrambly eggs & fried potatoes, I wondered, what time is it? It was 9:15. Not yet in outdoor clothes etc...we wolfed down breakfast and made our train with time to buy a paper.

As we left the station the African spit-roasting queen called to say they decided not to meet us in Bath after all because of the torrential rain forcasted. Great news! We, not having a TV and not caring about such practical things, never checked. But for the moment, the sky was blue.

The train ride was quick, bar the 30 min. stop over at Salisbury station where the blooming hot chocolate scalded my mouth and inspired a string of curses.

The last few stations before Bath Spa revealed a new type of England. Mario-like mountains with stone houses growing out of the sides like mushrooms. Very pretty.

Stepping out of Bath station was so satisfying. Here was something different. Here was something beautiful, relaxed and historic. It was a short distance to the Roman bath and Bath abbey, and after Stephen lined his stomach with a cheese and onion sandwich, we paid up and toured the baths.

There is a one-way tour of the baths, starting on the upper level. As you made your way towards the bath itself, you were led into small exhibits and commentaries, from which I'm sure Stephen will post some pictures of statues and carvings.

We were also provided with handsets, which Stephen really enjoyed:

The whole spa was much more than this bath. I did not realize this before. The spa and the old temple (not surviving-but I believe is where the Abbey was built) went hand in hand. It was a spiritual and sensual experience. There were a few different pools, and some massage rooms/saunas etc. The water is really warm, and some pools more so than others. This one has certain minerals that have left the stone with a red coating:

And here I am enjoying some commentary by Bill Bryson...

The view of Bath Abbey if you're swimming (which you're not allowed to do):

As you leave, you're allowed to try some of the water from a fountain, served by a jolly waiter. I had a sip...not my favourite tast...but Stephen chugged it all down. Although there was a bit of peer pressure involved.

We then strolled through the town (still no sign of rain!) towards the circus and the royal crescent. The circus is town houses built in a circle with 4 roads dividing them. The crescent is much more magnificent:

I think that picture is about half of the crescent.

We had passed a cute restaurant called The Hole in the Wall, on the way to the crescent, and noticed that above it "The Porter" was a vegetarian pub. !!

How exciting for two veggies from Woking. So we happily ordered some Summer Lightning and lunch. As we sat down with our pints in the bay window, the heavens opened. But what did we care?

After eating we made our way back, ducking into shops & markets, and finally into the Bath Abbey:

There was a choir practice at the time which gave it even more atmosphere. The design of the abbey allowed for a lot of natural light, which to me is preferable to dark, sombre, gloomy cathedrals.

Once back in Woking, I went to bed and slept for 12 hours. I didn't even feel that tired!

And today has been chore day as my dad is coming for a visit on Tues night, and then back for the weekend.

One thing I am proud of today is cooking the "rhubarb" chard we got in last week's organic box. Check out the crazy colours in this:

It was chopped, blanched, and then friend with butter & garlic. Surpisingly good.

Monday monday, can't trust that day...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:44 PM BST
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Monday, 21 August 2006 - 2:06 AM BST

Name: jc

Bath looks awesome! I'm bummed that we didn't make it there on our trip.

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