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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 23 August 2006
Visit from Dad
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Cat Power-the greatest
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

My manager let me go 30min. early today. Which is very welcome as I'm starting to feel a bit stressed...but for no good reason other than we've been having too much of a good time.

Monday we went over to the South African king & queen's place for a lovely meal, and for a chance to tutor their son in drama. Looks like we'll exchange tutoring for driving lessons--

Anyway-it all fell apart over a couple bottles of wine, but a good time was had by all.

Tues. my dad arrived around 6pm from Sweden. Stephen made a fab risotto with leak, shiitake mushrooms and white wine. We then had a stroll into Woking to show off the town centre, the bomber on a stick and the alien statue, before we settled on the pub. My dad left this morning for Oxford where he's attending a conference until the weekend. So we'll see him again Sat-Mon.

Tonight Stephen works, I have a driving lesson and am trying to chill out! I've got a candle lit, some camomile tea brewing...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:20 PM BST
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