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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 27 August 2006
I Suck.
Topic: Stephen Says
The piece of junk cell phone I used to have died on me earlier this week. I don't really need a cell phone other than it's extremely handy to have one for work and now I've gone and bought (With Elisabeth's urging) a relatively new fangled one with built in Mp3 player, camera, video, etc and am just a great big bewildered nerd now trying to hook the phone up to the laptop so that my ring tone will be some song that I can't even think of right now.

Elisabeth & Dan are in London and off to the Proms tonight. I'm being a big, lazy nerd.

A big lazy nerd who was going to blog about something but has forgotten because his cell phone has eaten his brain.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:57 PM BST
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Monday, 28 August 2006 - 5:07 PM BST

Name: Sean

I dropped my cell phone in the sink, full of dirty dishes and could not find it fast. It did not work and when I tried to get it replaced it was so obvious that I got it wet because of all the condensation on the other side of the glass.
I was sad because they did not sell my model anymore. Only these ones with cameras and mp3 players etc. Mine was small and simple.
However a day later it worked again! It just had to dry out.

P.S. Joanna and I got a kitten. Any female cat name suggestions?

Monday, 28 August 2006 - 6:58 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Mr. Bigglesworth

Monday, 28 August 2006 - 10:23 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Three suggestions:
1) John Whorfin
2) John Big Boote (As in 'Big Bootay')
3) John Ya Ya

Bonus suggestions:
4) John Parker

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