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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 28 August 2006
Blah, it's just me pointlessly blogging because I'm in a poo-kinda mood (Pity there's no emoticon for poo)
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Steel Pole Bath Tub - Scars From Falling Down
Topic: Stephen Says
1 more week to go running the project and it can't end soon enough. It's not that I can't handle it (I can), it's that I don't have any deputy to deferr to which means that I'm doing both roles and it's a lot to deal with staff, resident & paperwork-wise and things started to kick off this weekend and this week is only going to get worse as the repercussions snowball.

And then I realised that I've been scheduled to attend this big meeting with all the local social workers this Friday and that's my day off so I'll probably have to go to it anyway for a couple of hours and get my brain sucked out. If I'm lucky.

...I've been meaning to blog about Bulgakov but so far I've only been able to struggle through to chapter two. It has, however, enlightened me into the ulterior plans with regard to Bush's so-called War on Terror:

You see, in the book, Pontious Pilot is aghast that Bar-Rabban is pardoned and that Jesus sent to be crucified but the justification is that an idea (spread peacefully) is more dangerous than a violent revolutionary because those kinds of people will mar the message and create a physical embodiment that soldiers can battle and countries can go to war against.

So you see, this is why Osama Bin Laden is being allowed to live safely in Pakistan and the discussion is about what an evil religion of extremists Islam is. Because if the tenants of Islam were to be explored and if people understood that it, like, technically, all religions, it was about peace & love, there would be no one to fight. We'd all understand one another, the corporations wouldn't make billions, Bush would be indicted for voter fraud back in 2000, tens of thousands of people would be alive today, hundreds of thousands of people wouldn't face the scars of experiencing war, etc.

Because, you know, if religions got along then people might want to convert to ones that aren't Chritian and the rapture might be delayed enough so rich white people might get affected by the environmental destruction they're brining about.

Bleah, I'm not expressing myself as clearly as I want to. I've also just checked and there are 32 chapters to The Master an Margarita (Plus epilogue). So by my estimation, I should finish the book around autumn 2007.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:43 PM BST
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Tuesday, 29 August 2006 - 1:48 AM BST

Name: jeffy
Home Page:

i hope your book makes amazon

Tuesday, 29 August 2006 - 2:45 AM BST

Name: jc

Even if it takes till autumn 2007, it will be worth it. It's one of those rare books that cuts a straight slice through the relationship between politics & religion, making the novel heartwrenching and timeless and aaa. Anyway, enough outta me.

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