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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 29 August 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
I left work and 1 minute out the door it began to pour with rain and so I trudged to Sainsburys in wet jeans to do my shopping. As I waited outside for things to clear up, eating a brie, grape & fruit chutney triangle sandwich, the Polish idiot who tried to do me up for sexual harassment bumped into me where he tried to play some kind of asinine one-upmanship game of macho stupidity dealing with travelling over Europe (Except he'd forgotten if I was Canadian or Australian and wasn't aware that I was well aware of his [lack of] job history since getting fired from the charity). I just ate my sandwich as a response, too bored to deal with this Pschmuck who almost cost me my job. Weird because 6 months ago I would have been trying very hard not to be shouting at him. Elisabeth pointed out how much he dominated my life (for the worse) back then and now I don't even think of him. Even today when I saw him, I didn't get stressed out - just thought 'Huh, well this is going to be akward for him, not me,' and just kept eating my brie, grape and fruit chutney triangle sandwich.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:42 PM BST
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Wednesday, 30 August 2006 - 5:42 AM BST

Name: Mom

Good for you kid!!!!!! He is probably very jealous of you!!

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