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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 31 August 2006
Don't feel like writing a title
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Skinny Puppy - Too Dark Park
Topic: Stephen Says
I'm so out of it that all day yesterday I was convinced that it was Friday and when someone pointed out to me that it was Wednesday, I wanted to cry.

That said, there's been a big ol' blow up with a fellow at another mental health organization and I've written a kick ass letter that should result in getting him fired. It involved a quarter of a page of people I c.c.ed it to including CEO's of his charity and head psychiatists (Can't remember their formal title) of the local mental health team. Fun, fun, fun. I can't wait for the inquest so I can watch this putz go down in flames.

(Hmm, I wonder if bumping into that Polish Pschmuck the other day blasted be an overdose of nemesis karma into me and now I've got a new asshole trying to bring me down to contend with.)

Anyway, in celebration of the shit hitting the fan (Amongst various other work-related disasters that may include an amputation), I bought a lovely sauvignon blanc and whipped up baked walnut and gorgonzola tortollini in a spinache and tomato sauce with organic courgette shreds only to remember that Elisabeth's got a big ol' meeting tonight so the food and drink is all mine tonight.

(PS - Did you hear about this?)

Tomorrow's my day off and I've shunted the POVA meeting I was supposed to attend to one of my collegues so that I can have an actual day off and, in traditional MACA fashion, use it to get boozy.

And oh my God, did you see this one?!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:59 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 31 August 2006 6:19 PM BST
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