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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 3 September 2006
How is it Sunday and Almost Monday?
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

What's happened? Why am I going back to work tomorrow already?

The weekend has been mostly spent with our friends from south africa. Friday night I tutored their 15 year old son, which actually went very well. We'll finish the assignment tomorrow.

I had a driving lesson Sat. morning...I had to start on hills, and I never once rolled back. He's a very good instructor. I drove for the entire hour as well, through little villages and countryside. Very fun.

Stephen worked 2-10 on Sat. and is working 9:30am with a sleep-in until 3:30 on Monday. Yikes!

Saturday night I went with the south african family to a party. Their friend's daughter, who I had taught a couple of piano lessons to, had turned 21. I drank lots of white wine and ate lots of cake.

Today's been a hodge podge. I went with Stephen to work to fetch my bicycle which has been stored in the shed since June. Not surprising was that both tires (or should I spell it tyres?) were flat, and one just wouldn't inflate. So I had to push it all the way back home. Stephen and I have agreed that we'll get rid of/recycle this bicycle, and both of us get proper bikes.

This week will hopefully get swallowed up, as Friday we head out to Rome! Ms. Cianca, here we come!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:05 PM BST
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