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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 7 September 2006
Oh, and among other things...
Now Playing: Faith No More - The Real Thing
Topic: Stephen Says
Today marks the 5 year anniversay of Elisabeth and I getting drunk and making out at a party, signalling, um, signalling whatever it signalled.

And The Independent, in keeping with it's habit of having utterly crap insets, has a guide to mountain and moorland birds. I now know what the Ring Ouzel, Meadow Pipit and Golden Plover look like. I have discovered that a bird named the Ptarmigan exists (It's a plump gamebird that lives in the mountains of Scotland though, in cold weather, may move to the edge of forests), I can tell the difference between a male and female Hen Harrier and, most importantly, have learned that Ravens make a 'hollow sounding "kronk, kronk" or "Prrruk, prrruk" call."

Thank God.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:18 PM BST
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