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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
Rome in Pictures
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Topic: Roma 2006
Okay, so I had a heckuva day back at work - incident reports, key working sessions, visits from area managers, meetings with wankers from other organizations responding to complaints against me and my complaints against them, etc, etc, etc. It was like all the good that 4 days off can give you obliterated in the first 15 minutes of your day back at work.

So here are some crazy pictures of Rome to make me happy.
I also realized that we saw so damn much that I have no idea what we saw.
Just historic building after building after building...
first off, the big ones:
The view of Rome from the top of St. Peter's Basillica:

Augustine's Mausoleum:

Elisabeth and Jenn being dwarfed by such a really big random building that it warrants noting:

Elisabeth & Jenn consulting maps on top of the Spanish Steps (There was a lot of map consulting):

Trevi Fountain:

The awesome ceiling of the Pantheon:

Elisabeth on the streets of Rome:

Statue of a dude that sorely needs to take a crap:

Elisabeth & Jenn consulting a map:

The Forum X2:

The Colluseum:

Elisabeth & Jenn consult a map:

A random cool statue I liked:

Me & Jenn at the top of a ridiculously high & steep staircase that leads to nothing that we should never have climbed in the first place but did anyway even though we'd walk everywhere:

A Sunday service inside St. Peter's taken from the top of the dome:

Horsing arund in Vatican City:

...And sometimes there are things that no words can describe:

Anyway, I'm doing a long day sleep in tomorrow so I won't be around 'till Thursday night to describe the atrocities in full. Unless Elisabeth does it first. In which case I'll just rant about the opulent crapulence of The Vatican.

PS - This is what I look like in my new glasses:
(In a Park in Paris):
(Sorry - I know that's rubbing it in but we're pretty chuffed [note British slang] about getting off our asses and actually doing the kind of travelling that we've been talking about for years.):
(My God, YEARS!):

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:50 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 17 September 2006 10:39 AM BST
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Wednesday, 13 September 2006 - 9:52 PM BST

Name: Sean

Cool pics. There is so much to see there.

Where is the next trip?

Saturday, 16 September 2006 - 9:58 AM BST

Name: Stephen

The plan: A weekend away at the end of the year, another at the beginning of 2007 & 7-10 days in Italy in May before popping over to Canada in Julyish.

Thursday, 21 September 2006 - 7:36 PM BST

Name: jc

Hooray! It was so fun to start off my time in Rome with you guys. I feel all verklempt. Especially as I am now home. Am lying in bed with computer and covered in jet lag.

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