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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Wacky Wednesday
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Neko Case- Fox Confessor...
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Stephen's just finished making a tortellini bake for the South African queen and her son who are coming over this evening. Back in January for her birthday I pledged a free piano lesson to her (on request). And only now, have we managed to arrange one.

Last night I had my second volunteering session at the YPOD. I'm being trained up to be the shift manager on Tues. evenings. This will be in conjunction with the hour of theatre on Fridays which I hope will start beginning of Oct. I imagine it will take a few weeks to get its feet off the ground.

The YPOD has a cafe, and therefore I've learned how to make espresso on the 10K GBP machine, make lattes, cappucinos, and iced coffee (it's not just cold coffee with milk, like I had always thought).

There's a recording studio at the YPOD and a small stage for gig nights, open mike nights, and hmmm, maybe variety shows?

I'm looking forward to dinner the most at the moment...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:34 PM BST
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Thursday, 21 September 2006 - 2:24 AM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Hi guys! Just received an AMAZING pressie in the post today! It's a very cool vegetarian cookbook!!! Love it! It didn't come with a note or anything...was it from you per chance? :) If it was indeed from you, we love it!! Cheers!

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