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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 22 September 2006
I bathed in human waste today
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: Ministry - Rio Grande Blood
Topic: Stephen Says
Woking got hit by a flash flood and our drainage system failed so the basement at work got flooded by raw sewage (It was up to the door handles). I had to use plastic garbage bins to scoop out the 'water.' We used long sticks to un-block the drains. We lost a bedroom, bathroom and a large section of hallway. We had to cut apart copious amounts of carpet to stop the rot from setting in. We went to the pub.

I am exhausted. I didn't go to bed 'till 1AM last night and had to be up and at work at 6:30AM to set up for these managerial interviews. All I've eaten today is a cheese sandwitch.

I dry heaved for 5 minutes.
I am not happy.
I used my Amazing Managerial Ability to pay myself and my collegue who helped me time and a half because no one should have to go to the pub covered in other peoples piss and shit.
My converse are in the washing machine.
I think I've lost a good pair of Levis, shirt, and other things.
I assert: I am not happy.

I don't know if I want to drink myself silly or just go to bed because a couple of pints and double Jack's and cokes barely had an effect.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:13 PM BST
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Sunday, 24 September 2006 - 10:00 PM BST

Name: Sally
Home Page:

Oh yuck. I always thought that you called someone else to do the clean-up if something like this happened.

Sunday, 24 September 2006 - 10:03 PM BST

Name: Sally, Toronto
Home Page:

Oh yuck. I always imgagined that you called someone else to clean up if something like this happens.

Sunday, 24 September 2006 - 10:09 PM BST

Name: Stephen

So did I. I haven't slept properly for the last 2 days and I suspect that the trauma of Friday night is partly to blame.

Congratulations on posting and I'm well impressed that Angelfire double-posted your comment to make up for the one it swallowed previously. One day we'll move over to a proper blog-site like Livejournal, I swear.

Sunday, 24 September 2006 - 11:52 PM BST

Name: Sally, Toronto
Home Page:

Sounds horrible.

I just noticed the funniest thing. The ads at the top of your post are all for waterproofing your basement and fixing the problems with mould!

Monday, 25 September 2006 - 3:29 PM BST

Name: Sean

Has this happened before? Maybe you should convince your bosses to buy a pump incase it happens again.

Monday, 25 September 2006 - 10:20 PM BST

Name: Stephen

It has happened before and there are pumps to deal with it. Only debris fell over the grates & blocked them. As a result we had to use brooms & sticks to unblock them.

Tuesday, 26 September 2006 - 1:53 AM BST

Name: Mom

Well, you certainly got a lotof people writting you during this blog!!!!!!

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