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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Top Gear
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: BBC 4 (too lame, I know)
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Last night we had the South African queen's son over to help him wade through his Romeo & Juliet assignment. The teacher asked him to write an essay on how the two characters, Romeo & Juliet mature throughout the play, and who matured more. Then, she proceeded to not only provide an example of the essay, but also gave a list of examples of how Romeo matured, including quotes, and then gave a list for Juliet. But he is penalized if he uses any of this work. Thanks very much teacher for using the best answers, and forcing the student to look for the second best examples? Weird. So I'm going to read the play over the weekend (while travelling to Vaxjo) so that I can help him out of this horrible situation. We ended up have a very intelligent conversation about the characters & themes that was worthy of a college level class. High school sucks. Basically.

Anyway, this morning Stephen took off with the garbage & recycling, I wrote some emails, rode my loveley bike to work, worked until 5pm, went straight down town, bought a Boots lunch/dinner (yay for Boots lunch!), and stayed at the YMCA until 8pm. I'm just one small step away from supervising Tues. nights- it's fun.

But I've come back home, and Stephen's still at work. Poor sod. Still at work. It's 8:30pm!

Tomorrow's busy as well-driving lesson and an alpha course (part of the YMCA thing). Looking forward to talking Xtianity!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:32 PM BST
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Wednesday, 27 September 2006 - 2:38 AM BST

Name: jc

Alpha course??? For the Y???


Wednesday, 27 September 2006 - 7:55 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Oy indeed.

Wednesday, 27 September 2006 - 8:42 AM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Just the first one. I have to let them get to know my view, and I theirs. Oy?

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