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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 26 September 2006
My turn to bla bla bla
Now Playing: The Streets - A Grand Don't come for Free
Topic: Stephen Says
Really, Elisabeth should be used to my long shifts by now. I don't know what she's thinking. Mind you, I'm not going to push the topic since I got supper cooked for me.

It was worst case scenario at work today - no new manager was hired including the fellow currently acting as manager. This basically puts his and my jobs in limbo as we'll be demoted as soon as a new manager is found. Only thing is, that won't be until January at the earliest.

Ah well, at least I'm still the Greatest Deputy
Manager in the World.

And so that's basically it. There was a modicum of excitement today at work when we thought Tony Blair had resigned. Except he didn't; he was getting all teary-eyed because he was making his last speech at his party conference. Aww, poor old Tony. At least We now know he is capable of experiencing at least 1 emotion, even if it is only self-pity.

The real horror-show was Cherie Blair clapping and crying and generally looking like that killer doll from the Childs Play movies Chucky.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:29 PM BST
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