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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 29 September 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth's in Sweden this weekend visiting her mom and friend so I'm on my own. And what do I do on my day off?

Why work, of course!

But I've wrangled Saturday off (I remember a time when I naively assumed that the average person would expect to have 2 days off a week. I also assumed that it was a cruel and inhuman thing to work 40+ hours over a 4 day period but that was before I worked for a charity...) anyway, I've given myself a fulfilling evening of drinking German beer and watching crap horror films (Land of the Dead [VERY good] and the original The Hills have Eyes [Not so good. I don't think I'm into Wes Craven's style of horror. I've tried to like his politics and nihilism but his execution just doesn't work for me. Romero's everything Craven wants to be and more. Want an example? Try comparing, I don't know, The Hills have Eyes to Land of the Dead.]

Tomorrow I'll watch Infernal Affairs. It's the original Hong Kong version of that new film that's come out wih Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DeCaprio (The guy from Titanic, not the Ninja Turtle) and Marky Mark (No word if his Funky Bunch is also in it). I've been trying to see it for over a year but stupid Blockbuster never has it in.

The end.

PS - I'm reading the Left Behind series on a dare with a mate of mine. Her dad believes in the rapture and is using them to try to stop her being a lesbian and to see the light. I'm reading them because I'm a masochist and they provide bizarre insight into the mind of the evangelical and all the ways that they misinterpret the world. The books are craptastic and I reccomend them to no one.
And just becasue I'm a Youtube junkie, here are the trailers for the movies.
The Hills Have Eyes:

Land of the Dead: how trailers have changed...

G'night, folks!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:49 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 30 September 2006 1:18 AM BST
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Saturday, 30 September 2006 - 5:42 PM BST

Name: Sally

It is not just charities that expect unreasonably long hours. I had the same problem working for the bank. One of the reasons I retired early was that I couldn't take the 50 hours a week and being on call at least half of my evenings and weekends. I think it is an epidemic that is spreading and it is partly fuelled by the intense drive to cut costs so that they can afford the exorbitant executive salaries and pensions.

Saturday, 30 September 2006 - 6:32 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Absolutely. It's depressing to think that out of a 7day week, I work 6 days and have 2 days off which makes my 7 day week 8 days long, leaving me exhausted and in a metaphysical quandry.

Sunday, 1 October 2006 - 12:09 AM BST

Name: Sean

I dare you to watch the left behind movies!

Sunday, 1 October 2006 - 12:15 AM BST

Name: Sean

I dare you to watch the left behind movies!

Sunday, 1 October 2006 - 9:27 AM BST

Name: Stephen

No freakin' way!

Sunday, 1 October 2006 - 9:33 AM BST

Name: Stephen

And nagging won't make me watch them either!

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