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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 30 September 2006
Aw crap
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth's not here to tell me to stop eating breee-tos and now I'm so full, I'll probably barf.

Typical day in Woking: I had a leisurely morning and thought 'Gee, I'd better go to town - the weather's beautiful.' So 2 minutes out the door it clouded over & started to rain and I didn't have my umberella because I still haven't learned that no matter how hot, dry and clear the sky is, it's still going to rain. So I went to the mall which was a totally brainiac move because every person in Woking as there because, like me, every person in Woking has not realized that every person in England should have an umberella on them at all times.

From then on in, with was scene after scene from Dawn of the Dead with me trying to avoid teenagers bowling people over, posh ladies stomping around like they're invisible and alone and chavs pushing strollers and being generally drunk, fat & stupid and getting in everyone's way.

Bleah, why do breee-tos treat me so bad when I love them so much? Why do I always come back for more?
I am a battered breee-to wife.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:26 PM BST
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