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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 1 October 2006
Valkommen et Bienvennue
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Back from Vaxjo today. It was a good, though very short, visit with my mom and friend from high school. My friend and I met up in Copenhagen airport at the train station and rode up to Vaxjo together. As we had caught an earlier train than expected, we had an hour to grab "tva kaffe" (two coffees) before meeting my mom. The flight from London was 1.5 hours, and the train another 2 hours. So all in all, it's like going to Cornwall or Liverpool or something. I was still very grateful to have some Kaffe to revive me.

My mom met us at the station at the appointed time and we headed back to my parent's house which is very cute. I didn't bring a camera this time--not sure why not--so apologies.

It's a typically Swedish yellow and white wood-siding house with a 2nd floor balcony that overlooks the vast front garden. There are two apples, a pear, plum and cherry trees, not to mention the roses and lavender--very pretty. We dropped off our things and walked around town, went inside the cathedral, bought some groceries, and then enjoyed a lovely meal at home.

Saturday we walked around some more, had a Swedish pastry-fest in one of the oldest bakeries in Sweden and then drove out to the Orresford/ Kosta Buda glass factory. We watched two men blow glass, and my! how strong their arms and skilled their hands must be. Very nice to watch.

I was surprised to see the on-going lumber gathering from a freak hurricane that hit the area in January 2005. 30 years worth of lumber fell in one day, and they are still collecting the fallen trees.

We went home, rested, chatted, had dinner, and then this spectacular lighting/thunder storm began which eventually destroyed the TV just as we were starting to watch a movie. The lightning must have hit the antennae because the lights inside weren't affected. But that must be the closest I've ever come to lightning. I felt very electric afterwards I tell you.

This morning, we had a leisurely breakfast and then I caught the 10:12am train back to Copenhagen. The plane was delayed for an hour outside of heathrow where it hovered by flying in loops which really nauseated me. The reason given was that due to rain, flight schedules were delayed. When we finally landed, we had to stand for about 20 min. waiting for a free docking bay. Crazy! Did they just forget about this flight?

Back home, Stephen has very sweetly left dinner prepared and a note explaining how he might be too busy at work (he's sleeping over there tonight) to even call later on tonight. I've tried calling him, but nothing. Sigh. I don't like being away from Mr. Husband, even for just a day or two.

Tomorrow is back to work, but fortunately we have a movie date in London tomorrow evening to see Metropolis with a live orchestra playing the score.

It's good to be back in Woking though. Woo woo!

Happy October--Halloween not too far off now!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:48 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 12:01 AM BST
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Tuesday, 3 October 2006 - 2:32 AM BST

Name: Ma-in-law

I'm so glad to you a nice time with your Mama. It is very important!! Tormorrow Esther and I are off to Ottawa to view the Petra exhit. Yeh!!!

Tuesday, 3 October 2006 - 5:49 AM BST

Name: jc

their house sounds so cute! and all that frute! ha ha frute.

let's see. metropolis with live orch sounds intense/awesome.

no caps today no can do.


Tuesday, 3 October 2006 - 10:10 PM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

*sigh* Living vicariously through you, E! All the stories of adventures and travels...I used to travel a lot, but that was in another life and another time :)

BTW, I meant to tag you and Stephen with a "book meme". In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, visit my blog and you'll see. It's neat, but not sure you'll have the time to do it :)

xoxo moi

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