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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 5 October 2006
Now Playing: Tom Waits - Real Gone
Topic: Stephen Says
Just got back from the pub and it's not even 9PM and Elisabeth's already in bed. My stress level is so high that I'm actually concerned for my health. It's team building day tomorrow which should be interesting at least. I'm going to be angry shouty Steve. I need to take time off from work and so does Elisabeth.

But bleah, I'm feeling generally shitty. Been waking up feeling massively hung over and I haven't even had a drop of alcohol. A collegue training to be a CPN had a look at my tongue (???) today and told me 'You're not THAT bad.' Whatever that means.

At least next month we'll be getting our alt country fix seeing Neko Case on the 1st and Calexico on the 5th.

I think we need to see more live music.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:00 PM BST
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Sunday, 8 October 2006 - 3:29 AM BST

Name: christine
Home Page:

Have fun seeing Neko Case :) BTW, thanks again for the wonderful wedding pressie. We love it. You guys rock!

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