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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 11 October 2006
11 October Blogging
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

There's silence in the apartment. Of course, outside I can hear evidence of travel by plane, train and automobile. But inside, there's silence.

I feel at peace, especially after last week's turmoil. I've really pared down my schedule, forcing myself to enjoy time at home. Of course having Monday off of work as a sick day, helped me to recurperate.

I tend to get very selfish when I'm exhausted, selfishness seems about with worst path to take to happiness.

Other than feeling zen, I'm going to tutor tomorrow, and maybe have a drama session on Fri. Stephen had a training course in London yesterday (that actually went well for once!). And tonight he's sleeping in at work. I'm fighting the urge to stuff my face, and am going to go read some stuff.

I might have a fraudelent charge for 93 pounds on my credit card. It took me three calls to Barclaycard for them not to hang up on me, and for me to lodge my query. All on a premium rate number. This would be the second credit card this has happened to...what does that say?

Gotta go 'cause I wanna.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:58 PM BST
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