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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 15 October 2006
Mad as a Hatter
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
More like Elisabeth Rants:

A nice day in London eh?

Well the train took twice as long to get into Waterloo b/c of engineering works (1 hr. instead of 30 min.) and then we had to queue to leave the station because they were checking everyone's tickets. It was really starting to irritate me. Then as I go through, they stop me, and ma'am you will have to come over here. My Youth Rail pass expired last month.

I'm sorry, I say, I didn't know. Can I buy a new ticket or pay for the difference? I'm sorry ma'am. You must give me your rail card pass and id, and that will be a 20 pound fine. I was patient and tried to explain that I made a human error, but it made absolutely no difference. The lady was not interested in even letting me finish my explanation. I then had to buy another ticket for my journey home. I demanded to speak with the manager and he explained that I could appeal the fine. But by that time I was so outraged I was in tears, and still there was no understanding. I got their names and practically hyperventilated through Waterloo station. I mean, GOD DAMMIT! I bought what I thought was a valid ticket, was given no hearing, no leniency, and charged 20 pounds (about 35 UDS or 40 CDN) and lost my ticket, and then had to buy a new one. That's about 60 pounds worth of travel for me to get to London today. Stephen led me the nearest pub and bought me a gin and tonic. Thank you.

I will be appealing this outrageous charge, but unfortunately I can not boycott the only train operater for the area. I depend on their shitty service.

Enough ranting though, I could go on forever.

We then wandered around Leicester Sq, Soho, Piccadilly Circus...Stephen bought some CDs, we ate at Wagamama, watched an Inconvenient Truth, and had dinner around Covent Garden.

Inconvenient Truth does paint a stark picture, and breaks global warming in to easily digestible bite-sized chunks, and even so, is not doom-mongoring. We can all halt global warming in its tracks if only we can alter our own behaviour.

I will have to go into my enviro stuff in another blog, and also why I'm really starting to hate London, and why we can never live in England permanently. I am so fed up.

Well Esther Okodutwa, I've got your name, I know who you work for, and I will try my damnedest to get you fired. Or at least recommend a series of training courses for you.

"Explitive" South West Trains!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:13 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 October 2006 10:05 PM BST
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Monday, 16 October 2006 - 5:00 PM BST

Name: Sean

My brother got a fine for our trains here. For forgetting his pass at home. The fine was over 100$.


Tuesday, 17 October 2006 - 6:06 AM BST

Name: jc

Bloody Wankers.

p.s. What's Wagamama? People are always talking about it. Is it japanese food?

Wednesday, 18 October 2006 - 8:22 AM BST

Name: Elisabeth

It's fusion Japanases. Long communal tables, quickly served, tasty food, but noisy atmostphere. Stephen won't go again.

Wednesday, 18 October 2006 - 8:23 AM BST

Name: Elisabeth

I don't feel so bad now. Thanks. But how draconion!

Wednesday, 18 October 2006 - 4:58 PM BST

Name: Sean

They used to check every day. Conductors walking up and down and collecting tickets. If you were lucky they would not get to you and you did not have to pay.

But then they got rid of that. Fired the staff and they now have random spot checks with large fines.

Also, the buses now have electronic change counters. So now you cant get away with a fistfull of nickels. It takes longer to get on the bus now because everyone has to put their change in one at a time.

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